Monday, February 15, 2016

Sophie and Gunner

Gunner:  7 years old
 What do you think heaven looks like? Lots of clouds and stuff. God's city.
What does Dad do at work? He works with lasers. 
Who is a person you know that seems the most Christ-like? Me (mom!) 
What do you think your wife (husband) will be like? Pretty hair, and very kind.
 If you were going to spend one year on a desert island and could only take three things with you, what would they be? Football, food, and lots of water. 
Who is your favorite aunt or uncle and why do you like him or her so much? Auntie Trishy, because she has a pool.
 What is the nicest thing I ever did for you? Being able to go first at piano lessons. 
 When is a time that I hurt your feelings? When mom yells at me. 
 What is the difference between being smart and being wise? When you're wise you do things that are not dumb. 
 What is your favorite outfit? comfy pants and NOT church shirts. 
 What is the hardest part about being (7)? You have to do what your mom says! 
What has been your favorite childhood memory? Playing with Cooper.
 When you pray, how do you picture God? Coming down from heaven. 
 If you could be an animal for a day, which one would you be? A lion 
If you could go in a time machine, what era in history would you like to visit? Dinosaur time. 
 What person in history would you like to visit? George Washington 
What is the most important decision you will ever make? What house I should have. 

Sophie: 9 years old

1 Who's your best friend? Teagan, Charlotte, Hallie, Aubrey
2 What do you want to be when you grow up?A Harry Potter illustrator
3 What football team do you support? Houston Texaans/ Seattle Seahawks
4 If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why? Magic, hex my brother.
5 What are the five best things about being you?Good at soccer, drawing Harry Potter pictures, tall, from Texas, I  like to read.

7 If you had three wishes, what would they be? Make Harry Potter real, have an invisibility cloak, I wish I could fly.
8 What are the best thing about mom and dad? They get me books
9 Can you name one thing that scares you?  Spiders and snakes
10 What do you do when you’re scared to make it less scary? Try not to think about it.
11 What’s the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you? Invite me to a party.
12 Would you rather give up TV, chocolate or friends?  Friends
13 Who are your three best role models? Mom/Dad/Jesus
14 Who’s the worst person in the world? Satan
15 What does heaven look like? Clouds, Joy
16 How do you describe me to your friends?  Reddish hair, blue eyes, likes to curl her hair, nice.
17 What is the most disgusting thing you can think of?Snake Guts.
18 What is the first thing you can remember?  First time I went on an airplane.
19 If you could be anyone in the world for a day, who would it be and why?Herimone Granger from Harry Potter, because she knows all the spells, hexes and jinks.
20 If you could change one law, what would it be?  No throwing snow balls
21 What’s the hardest thing about being 9? Listening to my parents.
22 If you could time-travel, where and when would you go?Back to where the first Harry Potter movie was made.
23 which five words describe me best?  Smart, tall, athletic, never wears matching socks, messy hair.
24 What’s the most amazing thing you’ve ever heard?  Going to California and maybe going to Disneyland.
25 What are three things you've learned today? I learned how to make Butter Beer, I learned Butter Beer is good, and Gunner doesn't like Buter Beer.

Sledding with the Cousins

Christmas 2015

I gave in this year and had a friend from church take some pictures. I invited the cousins and I even jumped in a quick picture!

Saturday, September 19, 2015